Political POWER is inherent in The People
Use it!
About Us
It is really about YOU
and the LAW!
Human Rights Policy Officers established this website as a portal to help people assert their rights. This website is different than petition websites like Change.Org in that it focuses on giving orders or making declarations. These orders and declarations are to instruct government official on what they MUST do, alter or abolish government, or implement an entire new government.
The law states that people have more than just the right to protest and petition but have the power to directly alter or abolish government. The law also states that “All peoples have the right of self-determination….”, which gives oppressed groups such as Afrodescendants and indigenous people the ability to declare independence and govern themselves where they live. Of course this all depends on the number of community members in agreement hence the need to get signatures of consent via this portal.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 21) states “The will of the people shall form the basis of the authority of government”. This means that the government only has authority to do what the people consent to and the government can also be dissolved if the people make that collective decision.
The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights reads: “All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social, and cultural development”. Thus peoples can declare independence from an existing political system and its leadership especially if such system is in violation of that people’s human rights and poses a danger. Assertion of this right is especially encouraged to peoples such as Afrodescendants and indigenous people who have been forcibly deprived of self-government who were enjoying sovereign rights prior to being conquered and enslaved.
International law documents elaborate on what is called the ‘responsibility to protect’ explaining who is responsible to make sure people are enjoying their human rights. Instruments such as the Declaration of Human Duties and Responsibilities state that groups of people and even individuals can take action to stop violations even against the government itself.